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A Nonpartisan Resource for State Election Codes

The Election Law Program, a joint venture of William & Mary Law School and the National Center for State Courts, created the eBenchbook project to assist judges deciding election disputes. Through generous funding by grantors, the eBenchbook is a comprehensive, freely-accessible, nonpartisan online resource featuring election statutes, supplementary materials, and connected content to put state election statutes in context. This platform is intended to help judges, legal professionals, and members of the public understand the law of elections.

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About the Project

The Election Law Program, a joint venture of William & Mary Law School and the National Center for State Courts, formulated the eBenchbook project in an effort to alleviate concerns accompanying the contemporary surge in election litigation. Through generous funding by the Democracy Fund and additional funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, we have created five state-specific election law eBenchbooks intended to provide comprehensive, freely-accessible, nonpartisan online resources for judges, legal professionals, and members of the public seeking to better grasp the intersection of law and elections.

National Center for State Courts William & Mary Law School