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The Election Law Program is a joint venture of William & Mary Law School and the National Center for State Courts. Through generous funding from grantors, the ELP has created fifty state-specific election law “eBenchbooks” to provide comprehensive, freely-accessible, nonpartisan resources for judges, legal professionals, and the public. The ELP seeks to illuminate and clarify the intersection of the law and elections.

Each state eBenchbook contains the complete state election code, updated quarterly, along with relevant case law, regulations, administrative guidance, and other materials related to each election statute and its operation.

Committee Members

The following individuals comprised our committees of state election experts, and are responsible for authorship of the statutory annotations available in highlighted text on the statutes. We selected committee members to participate in the project based on their superior knowledge of state election law and exemplary reputations as attorneys, academics, and administrators in the election field. In addition to contributing annotations to the site, they provided valuable guidance on the project's coverage and development. We are very grateful for their participation and enthusiasm for this project.

Election Law Program

Rebecca Green Rebecca Green Co-Director
Amy McDowell Amy McDowell Co-Director
Mitch Bozarth Program Manager


In addition to our funders and state committee members, we would like to extend our gratitude to the following people and organizations for their assistance in the development of the eBenchbook project: Seamus Kraft and the OpenGov Foundation; Waldo Jacquith and the State Decoded project; Sam Klein and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University; Adam Ziegler at the Harvard Law School Library; Nik Reed and his team at Ravel Law; Chris Hull and the team at Helium Studio; the Colorado General Assembly's Office of Legislative Legal Services; the members of the Election Law Program Advisory Board, Dean Davison Douglas, Assistant Dean Laura Heymann, and Terri Lorincz at William & Mary Law School.

  • GreenInfo Network
    Data parsing and website V2 design
  • FastCase
    Statute data