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Arizona Regulations § R2-20-811 Investigation and Enforcement Procedures

Up to Article 8: Voter's Right to Know Act Rules

Regulation Text

A. Upon the expiration of the time for a response, the Executive Director or other Commission staff may conduct an investigation. The Executive Director or other Commission staff may engage attorneys pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-979 (D) .
B. Attorneys who do substantial work investigating the complaint or enforcing orders and other matters arising from the complaint shall not participate as attorneys for the Commission regarding the complaint. Such attorneys may represent the Executive Director or other Commission staff before the Commission.
C. The Executive Director or other Commission staff may subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance and testimony, administer oaths and affirmations, take evidence and require by subpoena the production of any books, papers, records or other items material to the performance of the commission's duties or the exercise of its powers. The Executive Director or Commission staff may utilize attorneys to effectuate any of these actions, including filing any action necessary to compel compliance. A person subject to a subpoena or other order pursuant to this subsection may appeal to the Commission by sending a written request to the Commission's attention. The Chair or a Commissioner designated by the chair may confer with an independent legal advisor and shall issue an order scheduling the appeal for a public meeting of the Commission and may set a schedule for any additional briefing.
D. Upon the completion of an investigation the Executive Director may prepare a report stating with reasonable particularity the nature of the violation, including the facts, laws, or rules substantiating the allegations in the complaint, and issue it to the respondent. The Executive Director may make a recommendation regarding the seriousness of violation, the appropriate remedy, and any other factors that the Executive Director and staff believe are relevant to the matter.
E. If the Executive Director determines that a consent agreement with the respondent is sufficient, the Executive Director and the respondent may agree to present the agreement to the Commission for acceptance. A consent agreement may include a penalty. The Commission may vote to accept, reject, or modify the proposed consent agreement at a public meeting. At this meeting, the Commission's commission attorney for independent advice shall serve as the legal advisor for the commission. That attorney must not have worked on the investigation, enforcement, or consent agreement.
F. The Executive Director may dismiss the complaint at any time. If, upon completion of an investigation, the Executive Director does not find sufficient facts to substantiate the allegations in the complaint, the Executive Director shall dismiss the complaint and issue a written report to the respondent stating that after completion of an investigation, the Executive Director did not find sufficient facts substantiating the allegations in the complaint to pursue the matter.


New Section made by final exempt rulemaking at 29 A.A.R. 3687 , effective 10/26/2023 .