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Arizona Statutes § 16-172 Use of county registration rolls by political subdivisions

Up to Article 5: Registration Rolls

Statute Text

A. Any political subdivision of this state conducting an election pursuant to the laws of this state, which lies within a county, may use the county registration rolls to conduct such an election. The governing body of such a political subdivision shall negotiate a contract with the county recorder to reimburse the county recorder for his actual expenses in preparing the necessary lists for use in the election. In no case shall the county recorder charge more than the actual additional cost that such preparation entails. Such contracts shall be negotiated at least sixty days in advance of the election.
B. After July 1, 1985 the county recorder of each county shall prepare, pursuant to the provisions of subsection A, the necessary lists for use in all city and town elections. The county recorder shall prepare such lists by city ward where applicable.

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