Arizona Statutes § 16-245 Form and content of ballot
Statute Text
Ballots and ballot labels for the presidential preference election shall be printed on different colored paper or white paper with a different colored stripe for each party represented on the presidential preference election ballot. Only one party may be represented on each ballot. At the top shall be printed "official ballot of the ______________ party, presidential preference election (date), county of _______, state of Arizona".
The order of the names of certified candidates on the ballot shall be determined by lots drawn at a public meeting called by the secretary of state for that purpose. Rotation of candidate names is prohibited. The certified candidates shall be listed under the title "_______________ party candidates for President of the United States". Immediately below shall be printed "vote for not more than one". The ballot may also contain printed instructions to voters as prescribed for other elections.
The officer in charge of elections shall provide a sample ballot proof to the state committee chairman of each qualified candidate's state committee no later than five days after receipt of the certification from the secretary of state.
The officer in charge of elections shall mail one sample ballot of each party represented on the presidential preference election ballot to each household that contains a registered voter of that political party unless that registered voter is on the active early voting list established pursuant to section
. The return address on the sample ballot mailer shall not contain the name of any elected or appointed official, and the name of an appointed or elected official shall not be used to indicate who produced the sample ballot.
The mailing face of each sample ballot shall be imprinted with the great seal of the state of Arizona with the words "official voting materials - presidential preference election". The polling place for that household may also be designated on the mailing face of the sample ballot.
Amended by L. 2021 , ch. 359 , s. 2 , eff. 9/29/2021 .
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