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Arizona Statutes § 16-301 Nomination of candidates for printing on official ballot of general or special election

Up to Article 1: Party Nomination Requirements

Statute Text

A. At a primary election, each political party entitled and intending to make nominations for the ensuing general or special election, if it desires to have the names of its candidates printed on the official ballot at that general or special election, shall nominate its candidates for all elective, senatorial, congressional, state, judicial, county and precinct offices to be filled at such election except as provided in section 16-344 .
B. Not later than sixty days before the date of the general election, a candidate for governor shall submit to the secretary of state the name of the person who will be the joint candidate for lieutenant governor with that gubernatorial candidate and whose name will appear on the general election ballot jointly with the candidate for governor.


Amended by L. 2022 , ch. 349 , s. 1 , eff. upon amendment of the Constitution of Arizona by passage of Senate Concurrent Resolution 1024, fifty-fifth legislature, second regular session, relating to the establishment of the office of lieutenant governor .

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