Arizona Statutes § 16-444 Definitions; applicability of general laws
Statute Text
In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Ballot" means a paper ballot on which votes are recorded.
"Computer program" includes all programs and documentation adequate to process the ballots at an equivalent counting center.
"Counting center" means one or more locations selected by the board of supervisors for the automatic counting of ballots.
"Electronic voting system" means a system in which votes are recorded on a paper ballot by means of marking, and such votes are subsequently counted and tabulated by vote tabulating equipment at one or more counting centers.
"E-pollbook" means an electronic system in which a voter is checked in and through which a voter's signature is recorded to indicate that the voter has voted.
"Instructions and procedures manual" means the manual prepared for use as a guide for the conduct of elections by an approved electronic voting system, including, but not limited to, detailed instructions for the performance of each task relating to the collection of ballots and the counting of votes in a manner that will provide maximum security, efficiency and accuracy.
"Vote tabulating equipment" includes apparatus necessary to automatically examine and count votes as designated on ballots and tabulate the results.
"Voting device" means an apparatus that the voter uses to record the voter's votes by marking a paper ballot, which votes are subsequently counted by electronic tabulating equipment.
The provisions of all state laws relating to elections not inconsistent with this article apply to all elections where electronic tabulating devices are used. Any provision of law that conflicts with this article does not apply to the elections in which electronic tabulating devices are used.
Amended by L. 2018 , ch. 261 , s. 8 , eff. 8/3/2018 .
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