Arizona Statutes § 16-510 Sample ballots; preparation and distribution
Statute Text
Before printing the sample ballots for the general election the board of supervisors shall send to each candidate whose name did not appear on the preceding primary election ballot
and to the county chairperson of each political party
a ballot proof of the sample ballot for the candidate's
and chairperson's
Within two calendar days after receipt of the sample ballot, those candidates and the county chairperson of each political party shall suggest to the election officer any change the candidate or chairperson considers should be made to the ballot, and if on examination the election officer finds an error or omission on the ballot, the officer shall correct the error or Omission.
The board of supervisors shall print and distribute, for the information of voters at each polling place, a number of sample ballots as it deems necessary.
The board of supervisors shall have printed mailer-type sample ballots for a general election and shall mail at least eleven days before the election one such sample ballot to each household in the county containing a registered voter unless that registered voter is on the active early voting list established pursuant to section
. Each sample ballot shall contain the following statement: "This is a sample ballot and cannot be used as an official ballot under any circumstances". A certified claim shall be presented to the secretary of state by the board of supervisors for the actual cost of printing, labeling and postage of each sample ballot actually mailed, and the secretary of state shall direct payment of the authenticated claim from funds of the secretary of state's office.
For city and town elections, the governing body of a city or town may have printed mailer-type sample ballots for a general election. If the city or town has printed such sample ballots, the city or town shall provide for the distribution of such ballots and shall bear the expense of printing and distributing such sample ballots.
For special district elections, the governing body of a special district may have printed mailer-type sample ballots. If the special district has printed such sample ballots, the special district shall provide for the distribution of such ballots and shall bear the expense of printing and distributing such sample ballots.
Amended by L. 2024 , ch. 1 , s. 3 , eff. 2/9/2024 .
Amended by L. 2021 , ch. 359 , s. 5 , eff. 9/29/2021 .
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