Arizona Statutes § 16-590 Appointment of challengers and party representatives
Statute Text
The county chairman of each party may, for each precinct, by written appointment addressed to the election board, designate a party agent or representative and alternates for a polling place in the precinct who may act as challengers for the party which appointed him.
At each voting place, one challenger for each political party may be present and act, but no challenger may enter a voting booth except to mark his ballot.
Not more than the number of party representatives for each party which were mutually agreed upon by each political party represented on the ballot shall be in the polling place at one time. If such agreement cannot be reached, the number of representatives shall be limited to one in the polling place at one time for each political party.
A challenger or party representative shall be a resident of this state and registered to vote in this state.
Amended by L. 2021 , ch. 388 , s. 1 , eff. 9/29/2021 .
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