Arizona Statutes § 16-622 Official canvass; unofficial results
Statute Text
At any time following the close of the polls, except as provided in section
and section
, subsection C, unofficial returns may be released during the counting of the ballots by vote tabulating equipment, and on completion of the count the unofficial results shall be open to the public. The result printed by the vote tabulating equipment, to which have been added write-in and early votes, when certified by the board of supervisors or other officer in charge, shall constitute the official canvass of each precinct or election district.
In any election for a federal office, a statewide office or a member of the legislature or in any election for a statewide ballot measure, all unofficial returns that are released during the counting of the ballots and all unofficial results that are open to the public shall when released to the public be transmitted by telephone, by fax or by other electronic means to the secretary of state.
Amended by L. 2024 , ch. 1 , s. 12 , eff. 2/9/2024 .
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