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Arizona Statutes § 16-642 Canvass of election; postponements

Up to Article 11: Official Canvass

Statute Text

A. The governing body holding an election shall meet and canvass the election as follows:
1. The governing board of a county shall meet and canvass as follows:
(a) For the primary election, not later than the second Monday after the election.
(b) For the general election, not later than the third Thursday after the election.
2. The secretary of state shall canvass as follows:
(a) For the primary election, not later than the third Thursday after the election.
(b) For the general election, not later than the third Monday after the election.
3. The governing body of a city, town or special district shall meet and canvass the election not less than six days and not more than twenty days following the election.
B. The governing body of a special district as defined in title 48 shall present to the board of supervisors a certified copy of the official canvass of the election at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of supervisors. For purposes of contesting a special district election as described in section 16-673 , the canvass is not complete until the presentation to the board of supervisors is made.
C. If, at the time of the meeting of the governing body, the returns from any polling place in the election district where the polls were opened and an election held are found to be missing, the canvass shall be postponed from day to day until all the returns are received or until six postponements have been had. The subsection does not apply to the county board of supervisors' canvass of the primary and general election.


Amended by L. 2024 , ch. 1 , s. 13 , eff. 2/9/2024 .

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