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Arizona Statutes § 16-645 Canvass and return of precinct vote; declaring nominee of party; certificate of nomination; write-in candidates

Up to Article 11: Official Canvass

Statute Text

A. When the board of supervisors, or the governing body of a city or town, has completed its canvass of precinct returns, the person having the largest number of votes, or if more than one candidate is necessary, those candidates to the required number who have received the largest number of votes for the nomination for an office in the political party of which the person was set forth on the ballot as a candidate for the nomination, shall be declared the nominee of the party for that office and shall be given a certificate of nomination for that office by the board or governing body, which shall entitle the person to have the person's name placed on the official ballot at the ensuing election as the nominee of the party for the office. When canvassing write-in votes the apparent intent of the voter shall be taken into consideration to the extent possible and the standard prescribed for federal write-in candidates in section 16-543.02 , subsection C applies.
B. The board of supervisors shall deliver the official canvass by electronic means to the secretary of state within thirteen calendar days after the primary election, and the secretary of state shall on or before the third Thursday following the primary election canvass the return and issue a letter declaring nomination as provided in this section to the nominees who filed nominating petitions and papers with the secretary of state pursuant to section 16-311 , subsection D. For any partisan primary election, the governing body or officer in charge of elections shall prepare and transmit to the secretary of state along with the official canvass the total by party of partisan ballots selected in that primary election by voters who registered as no party preference, as independents or as members of a political party that is not qualified for representation on the ballot.
C. A certificate of election shall not be issued to a write-in candidate for precinct committeeman or a write-in candidate for a nonpartisan office unless the candidate receives a number of votes equivalent to at least the same number of signatures required by section 16-322 for nominating petitions for the same office.
D. Except as provided in subsection C of this section, a letter declaring nomination shall not be issued to a write-in candidate of a party that has not qualified for continued representation on the official ballot pursuant to section 16-804 unless the candidate receives a plurality of the votes of the party for the office for which the candidate is a candidate.
E. Except as provided by subsection C of this section, a letter declaring nomination shall not be issued to a write-in candidate of a party qualified for continued representation on the official ballot unless the candidate receives a number of votes equivalent to at least the same number of signatures required by section 16-322 for nominating petitions for the same office.
F. A certificate of election shall not be issued to presidential electors who are pledged to a write-in candidate for president unless that candidate received the highest number of votes cast for the office of president.


Amended by L. 2024 , ch. 1 , s. 14 , eff. 2/9/2024 .

Amended by L. 2021 , ch. 230 , s. 12 , eff. 9/29/2021 .

Amended by L. 2019 , ch. 284 , s. 2 , eff. 8/27/2019 .

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