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Arizona Statutes § 16-662 Certification to superior court of facts requiring recount

Up to Article 12: Recounts

Statute Text

When the canvass shows that a recount is required, the secretary of state , within twenty-four hours after the last county canvass or the last day for county canvasses prescribed by section 16-642, whichever is earlier, shall, in the case of an office to be filled by electors of the entire state, a congressional district, a legislative district or a subdivision of the state greater than a county, initiated or referred measures or proposals to amend the constitution, certify the facts requiring the recount to the superior court in Maricopa county. In the case of an office to be filled by the electors of a county or subdivision of a county or precinct, the board of supervisors of such county or in the case of an office to be filled by the electors of a city or town, the city or town council of that city or town shall certify the facts requiring a recount to the superior court in the county in which the canvass was conducted.


Amended by L. 2024 , ch. 1 , s. 17 , eff. 2/9/2024 .

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