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Arizona Statutes § 16-663 Recount of votes; method

Up to Article 12: Recounts

Statute Text

A. The superior court to which the facts requiring a recount are certified shall promptly make and enter an order requiring a recount of the votes cast for such office, measure or proposal. The recount shall be conducted in accordance with the laws pertaining to contests of elections.
B. A court-ordered recount of votes that were cast and tabulated on electronic voting equipment shall be pursuant to section 16-664 . While the recount is being conducted, and for legislative, statewide and federal candidate races only, the county chairpersons of the political parties entitled to continued representation on the ballot or the chairperson's designee shall select at random without the use of a computer five percent of the precincts for the recounted race for a hand count, and if the results of that hand count when compared to the electronic tabulation of that same race are less than the designated margins calculated pursuant to section 16-602 , the recount is complete and the electronic tabulation is the official result. If the hand count results in a difference that is equal to or greater than the designated margin for that race, the procedures established in section 16-602 , subsections C, D, E and F apply. The hand count conducted pursuant to this section may begin before the machine tabulation of ballots for the court-ordered recount is complete.


Amended by L. 2024 , ch. 1 , s. 18 , eff. 2/9/2024 .

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