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Arizona Statutes § 16-940 Findings and declarations

Up to Article 2: Citizens Clean Elections Act

Statute Text

A. The people of Arizona declare our intent to create a clean elections system that will improve the integrity of Arizona state government by diminishing the influence of special-interest money, will encourage citizen participation in the political process, and will promote freedom of speech under the U.S. and Arizona Constitutions. Campaigns will become more issue-oriented and less negative because there will be no need to challenge the sources of campaign money.
B. The people of Arizona find that our current election-financing system:
1. Allows Arizona elected officials to accept large campaign contributions from private interests over which they have governmental jurisdiction;
2. Gives incumbents an unhealthy advantage over challengers;
3. Hinders communication to voters by many qualified candidates;
4. Effectively suppresses the voices and influence of the vast majority of Arizona citizens in favor of a small number of wealthy special interests;
5. Undermines public confidence in the integrity of public officials;
6. Costs average taxpayers millions of dollars in the form of subsidies and special privileges for campaign contributors;
7. Drives up the cost of running for state office, discouraging otherwise qualified candidates who lack personal wealth or access to special-interest funding; and
8. Requires that elected officials spend too much of their time raising funds rather than representing the public.

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