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Arizona Statutes § 16-945 Limits on early contributions

Up to Article 2: Citizens Clean Elections Act

Statute Text

A. A participating candidate may accept early contributions only from individuals and only during the exploratory period and the qualifying period, subject to the following limitations:
1. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no contributor shall give, and no participating candidate shall accept, contributions from a contributor exceeding one hundred dollars during an election cycle.
2. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, early contributions to a participating candidate from all sources for an election cycle shall not exceed, for a candidate for governor, forty thousand dollars or, for other candidates, ten per cent of the sum of the original primary election spending limit and the original general election spending limit.
3. Qualifying contributions specified in section 16-946 shall not be included in determining whether the limits in this subsection have been exceeded.
B. Early contributions specified in subsection A of this section and the candidate's personal monies specified in section 16-941 , subsection A, paragraph 2 may be spent only during the exploratory period and the qualifying period. Any early contributions not spent by the end of the qualifying period shall be paid to the fund.
C. If a participating candidate has a debt from an election campaign in this state during a previous election cycle in which the candidate was not a participating candidate, then, during the exploratory period only, the candidate may accept, in addition to early contributions specified in subsection A of this section, contributions subject to the limitations in section 16-941 , subsection B, or may exceed the limit on personal monies in section 16-941 , subsection A, paragraph 2, provided that such contributions and monies are used solely to retire such debt.

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