Arizona Statutes § 19-141 Initiative and referendum in counties, cities and towns
Statute Text
This chapter applies to the legislation of cities, towns and counties, except as specifically provided to the contrary in this article. The duties required of the secretary of state as to state legislation shall be performed in connection with such legislation by the city or town clerk, county officer in charge of elections or person performing the duties as such. The duties required of the governor shall be performed by the mayor or the chairman of the board of supervisors, the duties required of the attorney general shall be performed by the city, town or county attorney, and the printing and binding of measures and arguments shall be paid for by the city, town or county in like manner as payment is provided for by the state with respect to state legislation. The provisions of section
with respect to the legislative council analysis do not apply in connection with initiatives and referenda in cities, towns and counties. The printing shall be done in the same manner as other municipal or county printing is done.
Distribution of pamphlets shall be made to every household containing a registered voter in the city, town or county by the city or town clerk or by the county officer in charge of elections by mail before the earliest date for receipt by registered voters of any requested early ballot for the election at which the measures are to be voted on. If the pamphlet is not mailed before the earliest date for receipt of a requested early ballot, the officer in charge of elections shall provide a notice with the early ballots stating when the pamphlets will be mailed and where and when the pamphlets may be accessed or viewed. Any contract for pamphlet publication or mailing, or both, shall provide for the contractor to pay a penalty for each day of mailing that occurs on or after the earliest date for receipt of requested early ballots. The penalty shall be one cent for each household with a registered voter for each day of late mailing, and the monies shall be paid to the office of the officer in charge of elections. Pamphlets shall not be mailed or carried less than ten days before the election at which the measures are to be voted upon.
Arguments supporting or opposing municipal or county initiative and referendum measures shall be filed with the city or town clerk or the county officer in charge of elections not less than ninety days before the election at which they are to be voted upon.
The procedure with respect to municipal and county legislation shall be as nearly as practicable the same as the procedure relating to initiative and referendum provided for the state at large, except the procedure for verifying signatures on initiative or referendum petitions may be established by a city or town by charter or ordinance.
References in this section to duties to be performed by city or town officers apply only with respect to municipal legislation, and references to duties to be performed by county officers apply only with respect to county legislation.
The duties required of the county recorder with respect to state legislation shall also be performed by the county recorder with respect to municipal or county legislation.
Amended by L. 2016 , ch. 60 , s. 1 , eff. 12/31/2016 .
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