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Arizona Statutes § 19-161 Challenges to legislative referenda

Up to Article 5: Challenges

Statute Text

A. A challenge to the legal sufficiency of any referendum measure or any proposed amendment or amendments to the constitution ordered by the legislature to be submitted to the people at the polls must be filed within:
1. Twenty days after the referendum is filed with the secretary of state if the referendum is filed in an odd numbered year.
2. Ten days after the referendum is filed with the secretary of state if the referendum is filed in an even numbered year.
B. An action filed pursuant to this section shall be advanced on the calendar and heard and decided by the court as soon as possible. Either party may appeal to the supreme court within five days after judgment.
C. The superior court in Maricopa county shall have jurisdiction over actions filed pursuant to this section.
D. In any action filed pursuant to this section the president of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives shall be entitled to be heard and may, in their discretion, intervene as a party, may file briefs in the matter or may choose not to participate.

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