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Arizona Statutes § 19-234 Recommendation of candidate by electors; filing by candidate of pledge to recall

Up to Article 3: United States District Judges

Statute Text

A. When a vacancy occurs in the office of a United States district judge for the district of Arizona, the electors may, by advisory vote, endorse and recommend to the president and the senate of the United States an appointee to fill the vacancy.
B. There shall be printed upon the ballot at the next primary, special or general election held throughout the state after the vacancy, the words: "For United States district judge (recommendation to the president and senate for appointment)," and below, the names of persons filed with the secretary of state by petition of five per cent of the electors not less than forty days before the election. If Congress will convene before the election at which the vote can be taken, the governor shall, on petition of fifteen per cent of the electors, call a special election for such purpose to be held not less than thirty nor more than sixty days after filing the petition.
C. Prior to the election a candidate for the office of United States district judge for the district of Arizona may file with the secretary of state a statement that he deems himself under obligation to resign, as provided in article 2 of this chapter as it pertains to a member of Congress, and the statement shall likewise be published on the ballot.

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