Arizona Statutes Article 9: Polling Place Procedures
Statutes under Article 9: Polling Place Procedures
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Provisional Voting Voter Education and Outreach
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Ballot Custody Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Timing of Elections Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Polling Places Election Security Timing of Elections Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Election Security Cybersecurity Responsibilities - Election Officials Equipment Security Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Ballot Custody Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Ballot Preparation Ballot Custody Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Voter List Early In-Person Voting Provisional Voting Voter ID
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Early In-Person Voting Ballot Rejection and Curing Ballot Drop Box Signature Verification Voter ID
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Enforcement Election Security Accessibility and Voter Assistance Voting Rights
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Polling Places Responsibilities - Election Officials Accessibility and Voter Assistance Voting Rights
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Voter List Voting
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Ballot Custody Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter List Provisional Voting Voter ID
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Election Security Responsibilities - Election Officials Ballot Rejection and Curing
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Election Observers or Watchers Election Security Voter Challenges
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Voter Challenges
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 9: Polling Place Procedures
Topics: Voter Challenges