Arizona Topics
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- Conflicts of Interest (0)
- Electioneering (15)
Campaign Finance
- Candidate Requirements (15)
- Political Committee Requirements (13)
- Contribution Limits (11)
- Campaign Finance Disclosure (17)
- Public Funding (62)
Candidates and Parties
- Ballot Access - Candidate (29)
- Primary Elections (20)
- Caucus (0)
- Convention (1)
- Qualifications - Candidates (11)
- Withdrawal (3)
- Political Parties (24)
- Terms of Office (7)
Causes of Action
- Procedures (40)
- Remedies (7)
- Right to Appeal (3)
Election Administration
Ballot Preparation
- Contents and Design (19)
- Errors (0)
- Ballot Custody (13)
- Election Costs (18)
- HAVA (5)
- Oversight (73)
- Polling Places (12)
- Election Precincts (4)
- Authority (1)
- Criteria (1)
- Deadlines (0)
- Judicial Review (0)
Election Security
- Cybersecurity (4)
- Special Commissions (4)
- Timing of Elections (23)
Ballot Preparation
Election Offenses
Election Board
Election Results
- Vote Counting and Canvassing (26)
- Certification and Reporting Results (13)
- Ties (1)
- Runoffs (0)
Federal Elections
- U.S. Congressional (5)
- U.S. Presidential (10)
Judicial Elections
Post-Election Challenge
- Contests or Protests (15)
- Recounts (7)
Special Circumstances
- Emergency Events and Powers (2)
- Recall Elections (33)
- Special Elections (9)
- Vacancies (8)
Voter Registration
- Automatic Registration (1)
- Deadlines - Registration (3)
- Pre-registration (0)
- Voter Eligibility (18)
- Voter List (21)
- Absence from Work (2)
- Accessibility and Voter Assistance (7)
- Alternative Voting Methods (0)
- Voter Challenges (8)
- Early In-Person Voting (13)
- Provisional Voting (8)
- Ballot Rejection and Curing (9)
Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
- Application (1)
- Ballot Drop Box (2)
- Distributing Ballots (2)
- Military and Overseas (5)
- Permanent Status (0)
- Signature Verification (4)
- Voter Education and Outreach (10)
- Voter ID (5)
- Write-Ins (6)
- Voting Rights (12)
Tagged Content in Arizona
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 7: Penal ProvisionsArticle 1: General Provisions
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws Definitions Election Offenses
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 7: Penal ProvisionsArticle 1: General Provisions
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws Definitions Election Offenses
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 7: Penal ProvisionsArticle 1: General Provisions
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws Definitions Election Offenses
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 8: Establishment of Legislative and Congressional DistrictsArticle 1: In General
Topics: Criteria Redistricting
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 8: Establishment of Legislative and Congressional DistrictsArticle 1: In General
Topics: Criteria Redistricting
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 8: Establishment of Legislative and Congressional DistrictsArticle 1: In General
Topics: Redistricting
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 1: Form of Petitions
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 1: Form of Petitions
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 1: Form of Petitions
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 1: Form of Petitions
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Constitutional Amendment or Revision Petition Requirements
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 1: Form of Petitions
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Constitutional Amendment or Revision Petition Requirements
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 1: Form of Petitions
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Constitutional Amendment or Revision Petition Requirements
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 1: Form of Petitions
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Constitutional Amendment or Revision Petition Requirements
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 1: Form of Petitions
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Constitutional Amendment or Revision Petition Requirements
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 1: Form of Petitions
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Constitutional Amendment or Revision Petition Requirements
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Petition Requirements Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Petition Requirements Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Constitutional Amendment or Revision
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Constitutional Amendment or Revision
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Electioneering Election Offenses
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Electioneering Election Offenses
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Electioneering Election Offenses
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws Initiatives and Referenda
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws Initiatives and Referenda
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Enforcement
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Enforcement
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Electioneering Election Offenses
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Electioneering Election Offenses
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Electioneering Election Offenses
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Public Disclosure and Reporting Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Public Disclosure and Reporting Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 2: Circulation of Petitions and Signatures
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Public Disclosure and Reporting Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 3: Filing of Petition and Election
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 3: Filing of Petition and Election
Code: Title 19: Initiative, Referendum and RecallChapter 1: Initiative and ReferendumArticle 3: Filing of Petition and Election
Topics: Initiatives and Referenda Petition Requirements Responsibilities - Election Officials