Arizona Topics Election Administration
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Ballot Preparation
- Contents and Design (19)
- Errors (0)
Ballot Custody
Election Costs
- Oversight (73)
Polling Places
- Authority (1)
- Criteria (1)
- Deadlines (0)
- Judicial Review (0)
Election Security
- Cybersecurity (4)
Timing of Elections
Tagged Content in Arizona under Election Administration
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 3: Registration Officers and Procedures
Topics: Public Disclosure and Reporting Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Registration
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 3: Registration Officers and Procedures
Topics: Investigation Record Retention and Confidentiality Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter List
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 3: Registration Officers and Procedures
Topics: Election Costs Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 3: Registration Officers and Procedures
Topics: Definitions Record Retention and Confidentiality Voter Registration Accessibility and Voter Assistance Voting Rights
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 3: Registration Officers and Procedures
Topics: HAVA Responsibilities - Election Officials Military and Overseas Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 4: Forms
Topics: Definitions Record Retention and Confidentiality Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Registration
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 5: Registration Rolls
Topics: Record Retention and Confidentiality Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Registration
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 5: Registration Rolls
Topics: Information Requests and Open Records Record Retention and Confidentiality Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Registration Voter List
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 5: Registration Rolls
Topics: Public Funding Election Costs Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 5: Registration Rolls
Topics: Record Retention and Confidentiality Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 1: Qualification and Registration of ElectorsArticle 6: Penal Provisions
Topics: Enforcement Election Offenses Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 1: Primary Election
Topics: Primary Elections Timing of Elections
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 1: Primary Election
Topics: Primary Elections Ballot Preparation
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 1: Primary Election
Topics: Timing of Elections
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 1: Primary Election
Topics: Definitions Timing of Elections
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 1: Primary Election
Topics: Terms of Office Timing of Elections
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 1: Primary Election
Topics: Timing of Elections Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 1: Primary Election
Topics: Timing of Elections Absence from Work
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 2: General Election
Topics: Timing of Elections
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 2: General Election
Topics: Timing of Elections Election Offenses U.S. Presidential Electoral College
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 2: General Election
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 2: General Election
Topics: Timing of Elections Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 3: Other Elections; Special Provisions Relating to Election of Certain Officers
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 3: Other Elections; Special Provisions Relating to Election of Certain Officers
Topics: Constitutional Amendment or Revision Timing of Elections Special Elections
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 3: Other Elections; Special Provisions Relating to Election of Certain Officers
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 3: Other Elections; Special Provisions Relating to Election of Certain Officers
Topics: Timing of Elections
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 3: Other Elections; Special Provisions Relating to Election of Certain Officers
Topics: Timing of Elections
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 3: Other Elections; Special Provisions Relating to Election of Certain Officers
Topics: Election Administration
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 4: Presidential Preference Election
Topics: Primary Elections Timing of Elections U.S. Presidential
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 4: Presidential Preference Election
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 4: Presidential Preference Election
Topics: Timing of Elections Responsibilities - Election Officials Early In-Person Voting
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 4: Presidential Preference Election
Topics: Polling Places Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 2: Election DatesArticle 4: Presidential Preference Election
Topics: Election Costs Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 3: Nominating ProceduresArticle 4: Judicial Offices
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 3: Nominating ProceduresArticle 4: Judicial Offices
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 1: General Provisions
Topics: Definitions Election Administration
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 1: General Provisions
Topics: Polling Places Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 1: General Provisions
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 1: General Provisions
Topics: Election Costs Qualifications - Election Officials Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 1: General Provisions
Topics: Election Costs Election Offenses
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 1: General Provisions
Topics: Election Costs Special Elections
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 2: Election Precincts and Polling Places
Topics: Electioneering Polling Places Election Precincts Emergency Events and Powers
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 2: Election Precincts and Polling Places
Topics: Election Precincts Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Education and Outreach
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 2: Election Precincts and Polling Places
Topics: Polling Places Election Precincts Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 4: Voting Equipment
Topics: HAVA Responsibilities - Election Officials Emergency Events and Powers Equipment Selection and Testing Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 4: Voting Equipment
Topics: Cybersecurity Responsibilities - Election Officials Equipment Security Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 4: Voting Equipment
Topics: Contents and Design Election Security Voting Equipment and Technology Paper Audit Trail
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 4: Voting Equipment
Topics: HAVA Election Security Responsibilities - Election Officials Equipment Selection and Testing Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 4: Voting Equipment
Topics: Election Security Write-Ins Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 16: Elections and ElectorsChapter 4: Conduct of ElectionsArticle 4: Voting Equipment
Topics: Election Security Responsibilities - Election Officials Equipment Selection and Testing Voting Equipment and Technology