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Arkansas Regulations § 108.00.02-003 Rules and Regulations for Voter Intent

Up to Agency 108: Board of Election Commissioners

Regulation Text

Scope of Rules
These rules and regulations set forth the procedures for determining voter intent. These rules are subject to revisions due to the use of new types of equipment and/or ballot formats, or changes in laws and are in addition to and not a substitute for the laws of the State of Arkansas.
§300 Definitions
(a) Candidate area - the area(s) on or between the lines separating candidate names.
(b) Chad - the small piece of a vote card that, when removed in the voting process, leaves a hole that is recognizable by automatic tabulating equipment.
(c) Issue area - the area(s) on or between the lines separating issues.
(d) Marking device - any approved device for marking a paper ballot with ink or other substances that will enable votes to be tabulated by hand or by means of automatic tabulating equipment. 1 Paper ballots counted by hand shall be marked using permanent ink. 2 If automatic tabulating equipment is used to count paper ballots, the marking instrument recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment for proper marking shall be used. 3
(e) Over-vote - A voter casts votes for more than the allowable number of candidates in a contest or casts votes both for and against an issue in a contest.
(f) Paper ballot - a paper vote sheet that is either counted by hand or by use of automatic tabulating equipment. The paper ballot could include instructions such as "mark the appropriate box with an 'x' or a check," "blacken the oval completely," "connect lines," or "connect arrows."
(g) Partially punched vote card - A vote card with chad(s) in which only one (1) corner is broken or separated from the card.
(h) Properly marked - A paper ballot in which the appropriate box is marked with an "x" or a " ' ," the oval is completely blackened, or the incomplete line or arrow is connected, and the voter has not cast votes for more than the allowable number of candidates in a contest or cast votes both for and against an issue in a contest.
(i) Properly punched vote card - A vote card with chad(s) completely separated or with chad(s) in which two (2) or more corners are broken or separated from the card, and the voter has not cast votes for more than the allowable number of candidates in a contest or cast votes both for and against an issue in a contest.
(j) Target area - the square next to the candidate's name or issue on the paper ballot, the oval next to the candidate's name or issue on the paper ballot, the incomplete line next to the candidate's name or issue on the paper ballot, or the incomplete arrow next to the candidate's name or issue on the paper ballot.
(k) Under-vote - no vote is recorded for a contest.
(l) Vote card - a card upon which the voter casts his votes by the process of punching or marking.
§301 Paper Ballots
The following standards shall apply in determining whether a ballot has been properly voted and whether a vote should be counted for any contest in question:
* when ballots are not scanned in the presence of the voter due to malfunction of precinct tabulating equipment and the prescribed counting machine will not accept an individual ballot during tabulating,
* when using automatic tabulating equipment at a centralized counting location and the prescribed counting machine will not accept an individual ballot, or
* when counting paper ballots by hand.
A. The following instructions assume a single-seat office, that is, the voter is only permitted to vote for one (1) candidate per contest.
1. Any ballot that is properly marked, as specified by the ballot instructions, in the target area for one (1) candidate or issue per contest shall be counted as a vote for that candidate or issue.
Votes to be counted:
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2. Any ballot that is properly marked with any device other than the approved marking device which prevents a machine count, shall be counted as a vote.
3. Any ballot with identical marks for more than one (1) candidate or issue per contest, without additional clarifying marks, shall be deemed an over-vote, and no vote shall be counted. 4
Votes NOT counted:
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4. Any ballot with marks for more than one (1) candidate per contest, where the names for all but one (1) candidate are stricken through, shall be counted for the one (1) candidate whose name was not stricken.
Vote to be counted (for candidate not stricken through):
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5. Any ballot with identical marks for more than one (1) candidate per contest, clarified by an additional mark or marks that indicate support for a single candidate, shall be counted as a vote for the candidate with the additional clarifying marks.
Votes to be counted (for candidate with additional clarifying mark):
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6. Any ballot that has any mark in the target area or candidate or issue area for one (1) candidate or issue only, including circling the target area and/or the candidate's name or issue or making a mark through the target area or candidate's name or issue, provided no other candidate for that office or issue is similarly marked, shall be counted as a vote for that candidate or issue, unless the mark is clearly a negative comment.
a. Votes to be counted:
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b. Vote NOT counted:
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7. Any ballot that has a mark in the target area or candidate or issue area for one (1) candidate or issue, which partially extends into one (1) or more other target areas or candidate or issue areas shall be counted as a vote for the candidate or issue so marked only if it is readily apparent that most of the mark is in that candidate or issue area or target area.
Votes to be counted:
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8. Any ballot that has a mark in the target area or candidate or issue areas for one (1) candidate or issue and on which other marks in the target area or candidate or issue areas for any other candidates or issues have been partially erased, scratched out, or otherwise removed, shall be counted as a vote for the candidate or issue for which the mark was not erased, scratched out, or otherwise removed.
Votes to be counted:
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9. Any ballot in which writings or remarks appear to be ranking the candidates (letters, numbers, +/-, etc.) shall not be considered valid marks, and shall not be counted as a vote.
Vote NOT counted:
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10. Any ballot with positive or negative writings or remarks regarding one (1) or more candidates or issues, shall not be counted as a vote for that contest, unless clarified by an additional mark or marks that indicate support for a single candidate.
Votes NOT counted:
Click here to view image
Votes to be counted:
Click here to view image
11. Any ballot on which the voter casts a vote on the ballot and writes in a different,
qualified candidate in the write-in area shall be considered an over-vote for that contest and neither vote shall be counted.
Votes NOT counted:
Click here to view image
12. No write-in vote may be counted unless the name of the write-in candidates shall have been written on the ballot in the handwriting of the person casting the vote. 5
13. Any abbreviation, misspelling, or other minor variation in the form of the name of a candidate must be disregarded in determining the validity of the ballot if it can reasonably be determined that the write-in vote is for a write-in candidate who has qualified for that office. 6
B. The following instructions assume multi-seat offices, that is, the voter is permitted to vote for more than one (1) candidate per contest.
1. If a voter casts votes for fewer candidates in a contest than are allowable, a vote shall be counted for those candidates adequately marked for that contest.
2. If a voter casts votes for more candidates in a contest than are allowable, the contest shall be considered an over-vote and not counted. 7
§302 Punch Card Ballots
Where punch card voting devices are used and the prescribed counting machine will not accept an individual ballot, the following standards shall apply in determining whether a ballot has been properly voted and whether a vote should be counted for any contest in question.
A. The following instructions assume a single-seat office, that is, the voter is only permitted to vote for one (1) candidate or issue per contest.
1. Depressions, dimples, indentations, or other marks on the vote card shall be considered inadequate markings and shall not be counted as a vote.
2. A vote card with chad(s) in which only one corner is broken or separated from the card shall be considered partially punched and shall not be considered a vote for that contest.
3. A vote card with chad(s) in which two (2) or more corners are broken or separated from the card shall be considered properly punched and shall be considered a vote and counted for that contest.
4. A vote card with one (1) candidate properly punched and one (1) candidate partially punched shall be considered a vote for the properly punched candidate and counted for that contest.
5. A vote card with more than one (1) candidate properly punched shall be considered an over-vote, and no vote shall be counted for that contest. 8
6. Any ballot in which the entire ballot is marked in a manner preventing a machine count shall be counted as a vote if the markings clearly and consistently indicate which candidate the voter supports.
B. The following instructions assume multi-seat offices, that is, the voter is permitted to vote for more than one (1) candidate per contest.
1. If a voter casts votes for fewer candidates in a contest than are allowable, a vote shall be counted for those candidates properly punched for that contest.
2. If a voter casts votes for more candidates in a contest than are allowable, the contest shall be considered an over-vote and not counted. 9
§ 303 Direct Recording Electronic Voting System
This voting system is programmed to prevent a voter from voting for more than the maximum allowable number of candidates in any one (1) contest preventing the voter from over-voting any contest on the ballot. The voter is alerted of any under-votes during the final ballot review process.
§ 304 Lever Voting Machines
Upon entering the voting booth and selecting candidates by means of pulling the lever corresponding to the candidate's name and pulling the curtain lever, the vote is automatically recorded preventing any audit trail recording of an individual voter's intent.
1 Arkansas Code Annotated § 7-1-101 (14)
2 Arkansas Code Annotated § 7-5-212
3 Arkansas Code Annotated § 7-5-211 (a)(2)(H)
4 Arkansas Code Annotated § 7-5-315 (4)
5 Arkansas Code Annotated § 7-5-315 (2)
6 Arkansas Code Annotated § 7-5-205 (2)
7 Arkansas Code Annotated § 7-5-315 (4)
8 Arkansas Code Annotated § 7-5-315 (4)
9 Arkansas Code Annotated § 7-5-315 (4)



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