Arkansas Statutes § 7-5-412 Marking and return of absentee ballots - Delivery of mailed absentee ballots
Statute Text
Upon receiving the blank absentee ballot, voter statement, and envelopes, whether in the office of the county clerk or elsewhere, the voter shall mark the absentee ballot and place the absentee ballot in the provided envelope. He or she shall then seal the envelope containing the absentee ballot and place it in the other provided outer envelope with the following:
The completed and executed voter statement, including identification of the designated bearer, authorized agent, or administrator when appropriate; and
Verification of voter registration; or
A copy of a current and valid photographic identification or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the name and address of the first-time voter, for first-time voters who registered by mail. However, this requirement does not apply if:
The voter registered to vote by mail and provided the identification at that time; or
The first-time voter registered to vote by mail and submitted his or her driver's license number or at least the last four (4) digits of his or her Social Security number at the time and this information matches the information in an existing state identification record bearing the same number, name, and date of birth as provided in the registration.
A voter who desires to cast an absentee ballot but who does not meet the identification requirements of subdivision (a)(2) of this section may cast his or her absentee ballot by mail, and the absentee ballot shall be considered as a provisional ballot.
After recording receipt of the absentee ballot in the electronic voter registration system, absentee ballots received by mail on election day before the polls close shall be delivered promptly by the county clerk to the election officials designated to canvass and count absentee ballots.
Amended by Act 2021 , No. 249 , § 5 , eff. 7/28/2021 .
Amended by Act 2017 , No. 633 , § 12 , eff. 8/1/2017 .
Amended by Act 2013 , No. 1424 , § 9 , eff. 8/16/2013 .
Acts 1969, No. 465, Art. 9, § 11; 1970 (Ex. Sess.), No. 28, § 2; A.S.A. 1947, § 3-911; Acts 1997, No. 1092, § 8; 2003, No. 647, § 2; 2003, No. 994, § 11; 2005, No. 880, § 5; 2007, No. 556, § 9; 2009, No. 250, § 13.
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