Arkansas Statutes § 7-9-310 Submission of proposed constitution to electors
Statute Text
The constitutional convention may submit a new constitution as one (1) proposal to be voted on by the people, and it may submit proposed parts or alternative parts of a new constitution for separate votes. The proposals of the convention shall be submitted to the electors of this state for adoption or rejection at the general election held next following adjournment sine die of the convention.
The Governor shall issue a proclamation no later than the October 1 preceding the general election. Within ten (10) days after the proclamation by the Governor, the several sheriffs throughout the state shall issue their proclamations notifying the electors of the county that a new constitution will be voted upon at the general election. The returns of the issue at the general election shall be made, canvassed, and the results thereof declared in the same manner as is provided by law for initiative and referendum measures.
If a majority of the electors of the state voting thereon at the general election shall vote for the proposed constitution, it shall become effective on the date and in the manner provided in the proposed constitution, or if no effective date shall be provided in the proposed constitution, it shall become effective as now provided by law with reference to initiated acts and amendments.
If a majority of the electors of the state voting thereon at the general election shall vote against the proposed constitution, it shall be deemed rejected by the electors, and the existing Arkansas Constitution shall continue to be the Arkansas Constitution until changed as provided by law. In the event that proposed parts or alternative parts of the new constitution are submitted for separate vote and that the people shall reject the new constitution, then all proposed parts or alternative parts for a new constitution voted upon separately shall be deemed rejected, even though the parts received a majority of the votes cast thereon. In no event shall the proposed parts or alternative parts of a new constitution voted upon separately be deemed to amend or change the existing Arkansas Constitution or any of its amendments if the people reject the proposed new constitution. It is the intent hereof that proposed parts or alternative parts of the new constitution upon which votes are cast separate and apart from the new constitution shall be of no force and effect in the event the people reject the proposed new constitution.
Acts 1968 (1st Ex. Sess.), No. 42, § 9; A.S.A. 1947, § 2-112.
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