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Arkansas Statutes Chapter 9: Initiatives, Referenda, and Constitutional Amendments

Up to Title 7: Elections

Down to Subchapter 1: Petition and Election Procedure §§ 7-9-101 to 7-9-127

Down to Subchapter 2: Legislative Proposal of Constitutional Amendments §§ 7-9-201 to 7-9-205

Down to Subchapter 3: Constitutional Conventions §§ 7-9-301 to 7-9-312

Down to Subchapter 4: Disclosure for Matters Referred to Voters §§ 7-9-401 to 7-9-415

Down to Subchapter 6: Paid Canvassers §§ 7-9-601 to 7-9-602

Down to Subchapter 7: Convention Called Under Article V of the United States Constitution