A voter registration drive organizer shall use the form of the voter registration application approved by the secretary of state by rule.
A circulator working on a voter registration drive shall collect a voter registration application distributed by the voter registration drive and offered by an elector and deliver the application to the voter registration drive organizer. A voter registration drive organizer shall deliver the application to the county clerk and recorder of the county in which the elector resides according to the address indicated on the application. The application shall be delivered no later than fifteen business days after the application is signed, or, if the application is sent by mail, it shall be postmarked no later than fifteen business days after the application is signed; except that an application shall be delivered or mailed no later than the registration deadline set forth in section
Within twenty-two days prior to an election, before accepting for delivery a voter registration application form from any elector, a circulator working on a voter registration drive shall inform the elector that, to vote in the upcoming election, the elector must submit an application for registration at a voter service and polling center or the elector's county clerk and recorder's office or through the online voter registration system established pursuant to section
A voter registration drive organizer shall not compensate a circulator working on the voter registration drive based on the number of voter registration applications the circulator distributes or collects.
Amended by
, eff.
Amended by
, eff.
L. 2005: Entire part added, p. 1397, § 11, effective June 6; entire part added, p. 1432, § 11, effective June 6. L. 2006: (2) amended, p. 2030, § 7, effective June 6. L. 2007: (2) amended, p. 1970, § 7, effective August 3. L. 2013: (2) amended, (HB 13-1303), ch. 185, p. 703, § 27, effective May 10. L. 2016: (2.5) added, (SB 16-107), ch. 42, p. 102, § 2, effective March 23.