Colorado Statutes § 1-4-701 Party nominations to be made by convention
Statute Text
Any convention of delegates of a political party or any committee authorized by resolution of the convention may nominate candidates for vacancies to unexpired terms of representatives in congress and for presidential electors and also may select delegates to national political conventions.
The certificate of nomination shall contain the name of the office for which each person is nominated and the person's name and address and shall designate, in not more than three words, the political party which the convention or committee represents.
No certificate of nomination shall contain the names of more candidates for any office than there are offices to fill. If any certificate does contain the names of more candidates than there are offices to fill, only those names which come first in order on the certificate and are equally numbered with the number of offices to be filled shall be taken as nominated. No person shall sign more than one certificate of nomination for any office.
When the nomination is made by a committee, the certificate of nomination shall also contain a copy of the resolution passed at the convention which authorized the committee to make the nomination.
In the case of presidential electors, the names of the candidates for president and vice president may be added to the name of the political party in the certificate of nomination.
Certificates of nomination shall be received and filed with the secretary of state no later than sixty days before the general or congressional vacancy election.
Any person nominated in accordance with this section by any of the major political parties shall be deemed to have accepted the nomination unless the candidate files with the secretary of state a written declination of the nomination no later than four days after the adjournment of the convention. The declination may be transmitted by facsimile transmission no later than four days after the adjournment of the convention. If the declination is transmitted by facsimile transmission, the original declination must also be filed and postmarked no later than ten days after the adjournment of the convention.
L. 80: Entire article R&RE, p. 329, § 1, effective 1/1/1981 . L. 85: (3) amended, p. 248, § 6, effective July 1. L. 88: (4) amended, p. 1429, § 1, effective June 11. L. 92: Entire part amended, p. 683, § 6, effective 1/1/1993 . L. 99: (3) and (4) amended, p. 764, § 23, effective May 20. L. 2012: (4) amended, (HB 12-1292), ch. 181, p. 680, § 12, effective May 17.
Editor's Note
The provisions of this section are similar to several former provisions of § 1-14-107 as they existed prior to 1980.
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