Colorado Statutes § 1-4-902 Form of petition
Statute Text
The signatures to a petition need not all be appended to one paper, but no petition is legal that does not contain the requisite number of names of eligible electors whose names do not appear on any other petition previously filed for the same office under this section.
At the top of each page shall be printed, in bold-faced type, the following:
For anyone to sign this petition with any name other than one's own or to knowingly sign one's name more than once for the same candidate or to knowingly sign the petition when not a registered elector.
Do not sign this petition unless you are an eligible elector. To be an eligible elector you must be registered to vote and eligible to vote in (name of political subdivision) elections.
Do not sign this petition unless you have read or have had read to you the proposed nomination petition in its entirety and understand its meaning.
Directly following the warning in subsection (2) of this section shall be printed in bold-faced type the following:
Petition to nominate (name of person sought to be elected to) the office of (title of office).
Amended by 2014 Ch. 170 , § 12 , eff. 5/9/2014 .
L. 92: Entire part R&RE, p. 687, § 7, effective 1/1/1993 . L. 93: (3) amended, p. 1766, § 4, effective June 6. L. 95: (2) and (3) amended, p. 831, § 33, effective July 1. L. 2014: (1) amended, (SB 14-158), ch. 170, p. 622, § 12, effective May 9.
Editor's Note
Subsection (1) is similar to former § 1-4-801 (1)(d) as it existed prior to 1992.
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