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Colorado Statutes § 1-40-103 Applicability of article

Up to Article 40: Initiative and Referendum

Statute Text

(1) This article shall apply to all state ballot issues that are authorized by the state constitution unless otherwise provided by statute, charter, or ordinance.
(2) The laws pertaining to municipal initiatives, referenda, and referred measures are governed by the provisions of article 11 of title 31 , C.R.S.
(3) The laws pertaining to county petitions and referred measures are governed by the provisions of section 30-11-103.5 , C.R.S.
(4) The laws pertaining to school district petitions and referred measures are governed by the provisions of section 22-30-104 (4) , C.R.S.


L. 93: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 677, § 1, effective May 4. L. 95: Entire section amended, p. 431, § 3, effective May 8. L. 96: (3) and (4) added, p. 1765, § 53, effective July 1.

Editor's Note

Provisions of the former § 1-40-103 were relocated in 1993.

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