Colorado Statutes § 1-40-132 Enforcement
Statute Text
The secretary of state is charged with the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this article relating to initiated or referred measures and state constitutional amendments. The secretary of state shall have the authority to promulgate rules as may be necessary to administer and enforce any provision of this article that relates to initiated or referred measures and state constitutional amendments. The secretary of state may conduct a hearing, upon a written complaint by a registered elector, on any alleged violation of the provisions relating to the circulation of a petition, which may include but shall not be limited to the preparation or signing of an affidavit by a circulator. If the secretary of state, after the hearing, has reasonable cause to believe that there has been a violation of the provisions of this article relating to initiated or referred measures and state constitutional amendments, he or she shall notify the attorney general, who may institute a criminal prosecution. If a circulator is found to have violated any provision of this article or is otherwise shown to have made false or misleading statements relating to his or her section of the petition, such section of the petition shall be deemed void.
(Deleted by amendment,
, p.
, effective May 8, 1995.)
L. 93: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 695, § 1, effective May 4. L. 95: Entire section amended, p. 439, § 22, effective May 8.
Editor's Note
Subsection (1) is similar to former § 1-40-119 as it existed prior to 1993.
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