Colorado Statutes § 1-5-207 Court-ordered elections
Statute Text
When an election is ordered by the court for a special district, the court shall authorize the designated election official to give notice as provided in the order.
For an organizational election, the notice by publication shall include the purposes of the election, the estimated operating and debt service mill levies and fiscal year spending for the first year following organization, and the boundaries of the special district. The notice by publication shall recite the election date, which shall be not less than ten days after publication of the election notice.
For a dissolution election, the notice by publication shall include the plan for dissolution or a summary of the plan and the place where a member of the public may inspect or obtain a copy of the complete plan. The notice by publication shall recite the election date, which shall be not less than ten days after publication of the election notice.
L. 92: Entire article R&RE, p. 705, § 8, effective 1/1/1993 . L. 94: Entire section amended, p. 1160, § 27, effective July 1.
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