Colorado Statutes § 1-7-406 [Repealed] RepealedVersion dated Oct. 30, 2024
This is an older version of § 1-7-406 [Repealed] Repealed which we archived on October 30, 2024.
Statute Text
As soon as the polls are closed on election day, the election judges shall immediately lock and seal each voting machine against further voting, and it shall so remain for a period of thirty days unless otherwise ordered by the court and except as provided in section
. Immediately after each machine is locked and sealed, the election judges shall open the counting compartment and proceed to count the votes. After the total vote for each candidate and ballot issue has been ascertained, the election judges shall record on a certificate the number of votes cast, in numerical figures only, and return it to the designated election official.
Amended by 2013 Ch. 185 , § 71 , eff. 5/10/2013 .
L. 92: Entire article R&RE, p. 744, § 9, effective January 1, 1993. L. 94: Entire section amended, p. 1621, § 3, effective May 31. L. 2013: Entire section amended, (HB 13-1303), ch. 185, p. 722, § 71, effective May 10.
Editor's Note
This section is similar to former § 1-7-406 as it existed prior to 1992.