Colorado Statutes Article 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Statutes under Article 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Polling Places Election Precincts Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Election Precincts Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Polling Places Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Election Precincts Redistricting Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Electioneering Polling Places
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Polling Places Responsibilities - Election Officials Ballot Drop Box
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Education and Outreach
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Education and Outreach
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Education and Outreach
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Education and Outreach
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Record Retention and Confidentiality Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Registration
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Record Retention and Confidentiality Voter Registration Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Election Costs Record Retention and Confidentiality Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Registration
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Record Retention and Confidentiality Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials U.S. Congressional U.S. Presidential
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Contents and Design
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Political Parties Contents and Design
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Polling Places Equipment Selection and Testing Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Ballot Drop Box Equipment Security Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Polling Places Ballot Drop Box Equipment Security Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Polling Places Responsibilities - Election Officials Voter Education and Outreach
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Definitions Election Costs
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Election Costs Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Election Costs Responsibilities - Election Officials
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Equipment Selection and Testing Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Election Costs Equipment Selection and Testing Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Equipment Security Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Equipment Selection and Testing Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Equipment Security Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Election Security Responsibilities - Election Officials Equipment Selection and Testing Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Cybersecurity Equipment Selection and Testing Equipment Security Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Equipment Selection and Testing Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Equipment Selection and Testing Voting Equipment and Technology Paper Audit Trail
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Equipment Selection and Testing Equipment Security Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Voting Equipment and Technology
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Definitions
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Definitions
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Definitions Accessibility and Voter Assistance Voting Rights
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Record Retention and Confidentiality Voting Equipment and Technology Paper Audit Trail
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Definitions
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Responsibilities - Election Officials Accessibility and Voter Assistance Voting Rights
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials Accessibility and Voter Assistance Voting Rights
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials Accessibility and Voter Assistance Voting Rights
Code: Title 1: ElectionsGeneral, Primary, Recall, and Congressional Vacancy ElectionsArticle 5: Notice of and Preparation for Elections
Topics: Contents and Design Responsibilities - Election Officials Accessibility and Voter Assistance Voting Rights