Connecticut Regulations § 9-241-23 Hardware standards. Vote recordation
Regulation Text
A minimum of three means of vote recordation shall be provided with each DRE voting system. Votes shall be recorded within the equipment's internal memory, on hard-copy output and on a removable memory device. In addition to the printed report of vote totals, the system shall be capable of producing a printed report of individual selections made by all voters on the DRE device so that a separate manual tally may be made. This physical accounting of vote selections allows a cross check between the results computed from the removable memory device and the results computed from the hard-copy. Additionally, there shall be a randomization of the voters' selections on this output so that it is not possible to determine how any particular voter cast his ballot. The DRE voting system shall be capable of consolidating voting district totals electronically and in written report into a single consolidated report at the polling place. This voting system shall also output on hard-copy and removable memory device the town-wide election results in a single consolidated report. The system shall optionally provide a means for consolidating the data of all voting machines and absentee ballots for each voting district of the municipality, for each political subdivison of the municipality and for the entire municipality into one report.
Effective January 21, 1994
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