Connecticut Regulations § 9-242-2 Definition
Regulation Text
As used in sections
, inclusive, of these regulations, a punch-card or marksense voting system is one which records votes, counts votes, and produces a tabulation of the vote count, using one or more ballot cards imprinted on either or both faces with text and voting response locations. The punchcard voting system records votes by means of holes punched in designated voting response locations; the marksense voting system records votes by means of marks made in the voting response locations. The voting machine shall be of the precinct count system type wherein ballot cards are fed into the machine by the voter and the ballots are tabulated at the polling place. The system shall tabulate ballots as they are cast and shall print the results after the close of polling. It shall produce a tabulation of the voting data at the individual machine or system level in the polling place in both hard copy and on a removable memory device. These memory devices are removed at the completion of voting and individually read into a special device which is capable of tallying the results contained on all removable memory devices to provide voting district and town-wide election totals. These voting machines shall, in accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat. Section
, warn the voter of overvotes by returning the ballot to the voter with such message, shall not record over-votes, and shall not record more than one vote of a voter for the same person for an office.
Effective February 23, 1994
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