Connecticut Regulations § 9-242-33 Functional requirements. Pre-election tests and verification
Regulation Text
In punchcard and marksense systems, each precinct count device, and all central counting equipment, shall contain provisions for verifying its proper preparation for an election, and for verifying that both the hardware and the software are functioning correctly. These tests and diagnostic procedures may be executed manually or automatically, and may allow for operator intervention to validate the proper execution of individually-selected equipment functions.
Prior to the primary, election or referenda, representatives of the parties shall attend the pre-election test that exercises the hardware and software of each punch-card or marksense device, the removable memory devices and ballots to be used in the election. The manufacturer shall supply a written test procedure and mechanism that records votes for a set of pre-selected offices and candidates.
After verification of the results of the pre-election test is completed, the counters of the punchcard and marksense systems and the removable memory devices shall be reset to zero. Proper verification of the counters shall be made by producing the tally on each device. After the completion of the pre-election test, the punchcard and marksense systems, the removable memory devices and ballots shall be secured from access until such time as they are to be moved to the polling place.
Effective February 23, 1994
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