Connecticut Regulations § 9-242a-2 Number of voting tabulators and ballots
Regulation Text
The officials of a municipality purchasing or leasing an approved marksense voting tabulator shall provide a number of voting tabulators sufficient to provide a voting tabulator for each voting district for each primary and election and shall provide a sufficient number of spare voting tabulators where more than one party is holding a primary in a polling place, and the tabulator can be programmed to separately tabulate the votes cast in each primary, a single tabulator may be used to tabulate the votes cast in all such primaries and different colored ballots may be used for each party holding a primary. Such officials shall provide a number of ballot boxes for each voting district sufficient to hold a number of ballots equal to the number of electors eligible to vote at each primary or election in the voting district. They shall provide a number of voting booths sufficient to provide at least one for each two hundred and fifty or fraction of two hundred and fifty electors eligible to vote at each primary and election in the municipality or voting district, as the case may be, and shall provide other necessary equipment. If the Connecticut General Statutes authorize separate voting tabulators for one voting district in the primary of one party or in an election be placed in the same room of the polling place of another voting district, the Secretary of the State shall prescribe that separate ballots be issued and may prescribe that they may be processed on the same voting tabulator in the primary of such party or in such election. Such officials shall also provide a secure long-term storage location as described in section
of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies in which to store the marksense voting tabulators and memory cards. The location shall remain locked at all times and access to such location shall be exclusively controlled by the registrars of voters. Access shall only be granted to such location for the purpose of tabulator programming, maintenance, testing, set-up and education and voter outreach. Nothing in this section shall preclude the registrars of voters from using alternative secure short-term storage locations for marksense voting tabulators and memory cards after adjustment and programming of the tabulator has taken place pursuant to 9-242a-4 and until the close of the polls on election day. For the purposes of this regulation any storage location used, either long term or short term, shall have characteristics as detailed in section
Adopted effective October 1, 1999; Amended March 27, 2008
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