Connecticut Regulations § 9-242a-20 Replacing a spoiled ballot with a new ballot
Regulation Text
Any elector may request a new ballot at any time prior to the acceptance of his ballot by the voting tabulator. No reason need be given. To obtain a replacement ballot, the elector shall return with his spoiled ballot to the ballot clerk. An elector seeking to obtain a replacement ballot need not go to the end of the line of electors entering the polling place. Before a replacement ballot is issued, the elector shall give his old ballot to the ballot clerk, holding it in such a way that the markings are not visible. The Secretary of the State may prescribe a procedure to ensure secrecy of the vote. Without looking at the markings, the ballot clerk shall mark the word "spoiled" on the old ballot, draw a line through the "timing marks" on the edge of the ballot and place the ballot in a depository envelope, or other suitable container reserved for spoiled ballots. The ballot clerk shall keep track of the number of spoiled ballots. After the ballot clerk has placed the spoiled ballot in the envelope, the ballot clerk shall issue a new ballot to the elector. The ballot clerk shall direct the elector to an available voting booth to mark his new ballot.
Adopted effective October 1, 1999; Amended March 27, 2008
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