Connecticut Regulations § 9-242a-9 Preparation of voting tabulator before polls open
Regulation Text
The assistant registrars shall witness the moderator install the tabulator on the ballot box. The moderator shall examine the label on the tabulator, and if it does not indicate his voting district, he shall contact the registrars immediately. In the presence of both assistant registrars, the moderator shall examine the number on the seal on the tabulator to ensure that it has not been tampered with, and if it is not the same as the number which the registrars of voters provided or the seal has been broken, the moderator shall contact the registrars immediately. He shall record the number of the seal and all other information required on a certificate prescribed by the Secretary of the State. In the presence of both assistant registrars, the moderator shall open each of the compartments of the ballot box. The moderator shall remove any ballots or other material found in the compartments, place them in a depository envelope and execute a memorandum. The moderator shall lock all the compartments and the assistant registrars shall check that they are securely locked. The moderator shall remove the printer cover, turn on the power switch and install the tabulator on top of the ballot box in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. When the voting tabulator prints the election zero report identifying the date, the town and zero votes for all offices, candidates, questions and write-ins on the ballot, the moderator and assistant registrars shall examine it. If the report is correct, the moderator and assistant registrars shall sign it and post it in the polling place. Such officials shall print a second tape, sign it and leave it attached to the tape in the voting tabulator. If the election zero report is not correct, the moderator shall immediately call the registrars and not open the voting tabulator for voting. If the display on the voting tabulator does not display the voting district number and show a count of zero, the moderator shall contact the registrars immediately. Using the ballot box key, the moderator shall unlock the top slot of the auxiliary bin. The voting tabulator tenders shall be stationed at the voting tabulator to prevent access to the voting tabulator until the polls are opened. The moderator and assistant registrars shall complete and sign the certificate prescribed by the Secretary of the State.
Adopted effective October 1, 1999; Amended March 27, 2008
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