Connecticut Statutes § 9-150a Absentee ballot counting procedures
Statute Text
Starting time designated by registrars of voters.
The absentee ballot counters shall proceed to the central counting location or to the respective polling places when counting is to take place pursuant to subsection (b) of section
at the times designated by the registrars of voters.
Delivery and checking of ballots.
At the time each group of ballots is delivered to them pursuant to section
, the counters shall perform any checking of such ballots required by subsection (i) of said section and shall then proceed as hereinafter provided.
Removal of inner envelopes. Count of total number of ballots received.
Except with respect to ballots marked "Rejected" pursuant to section
or other applicable law, the counters shall remove the inner envelopes from the outer envelopes, shall note the total number of absentee ballots received and shall report such total to the moderator. They shall similarly note and separately so report the total numbers of presidential ballots and overseas ballots received pursuant to sections
, inclusive.
Ballot rejected if inner envelope statement not executed.
If the statement on the inner envelope has not been signed as required by section
, such inner envelope shall not be opened or the ballot removed therefrom, and such inner envelope shall be replaced in the opened outer envelope which shall be marked "Rejected" and the reason therefor endorsed thereon by the counters.
If such statement is signed but the individual completing the ballot is an individual described in subsection (a) of section
and has not met the requirements of subsection (e) of section
, the counters shall replace the ballot in the opened inner envelope, replace the inner envelope in the opened outer envelope and mark "Rejected as an Absentee Ballot" and endorse the reason for such rejection on the outer envelope, and the ballot shall be treated as a provisional ballot for federal offices only, pursuant to sections
, inclusive.
Removal of ballots from inner envelopes.
The counters shall then remove the absentee ballots from the remaining inner envelopes.
Inner and outer envelopes to be sealed in depository envelopes.
Before the ballots are counted, all opened outer and inner envelopes from which such ballots have been removed, and all outer envelopes marked "Rejected" as required by law, shall be placed and sealed by the counters, separately by voting district, in depository envelopes prescribed by the Secretary of the State and provided by the municipal clerk. The counters shall seal such depository envelopes by wrapping them lengthwise and sideways with nonreusable tape, endorse on each such envelope their names, the voting district and the time of the count, and deliver such envelopes to the moderator.
Moderator to supervise counting.
The counters shall then count such ballots as provided in this section. The moderator shall supervise the counting.
Procedure manual.
The Secretary of the State shall provide a procedure manual for counting absentee ballots. The manual shall include a description of the steps to be followed in receiving, handling, counting and preserving absentee ballots. Facsimile ballots shall be printed in the manual, illustrating potential variations in ballot markings along with the correct interpretation to be given in each situation illustrated.
Write-in votes.
Except as otherwise provided in this section the provisions of section
shall apply to write-in votes on absentee ballots at elections.
Votes cast by absentee ballot at a primary may be counted only for candidates whose names appear on the ballot on primary day, and no write-in vote shall be counted except as provided in subdivision (3) of this subsection.
If a write-in vote on an absentee ballot is cast for a candidate for any office whose name appears on the ballot for that office on election or primary day, such candidate's name shall be deemed to have been checked on such ballot and, except as otherwise provided in subsection (j) of this section, one vote shall be counted and recorded for such candidate for such office.
Except as otherwise provided in section
, if the name of a registered write-in candidate for an office is written in for such office on an absentee ballot it shall be deemed validly written in for purposes of subsection (j) of this section.
Intent of voter to govern; presumptions.
In the counting of absentee ballots the intent of the voter shall govern, provided the following conclusive presumptions, where applicable, shall prevail in determining such intent:
If the names of more candidates for an office than the voter is entitled to vote for are checked or validly written in, then the vote cast for that office shall be deemed an invalid overvote.
If the name of a candidate who has vacated his candidacy is checked such vote shall not be counted.
On an absentee ballot on which candidates' names are printed, a vote shall be deemed cast only for each candidate whose name is individually checked or validly written in, except as otherwise provided in this subsection. If a party designation is circled, checked, underscored or similarly marked in any manner, or written in, no vote shall be deemed cast or cancelled for any candidate by virtue of such marking or writing.
Questions submitted to moderator for decision.
If the intent of an absentee voter is difficult to ascertain due to uncertain, conflicting or incorrect ballot markings which are not clearly addressed in this section or in the procedure manual for counting absentee ballots provided by the Secretary of the State, the absentee ballot counters shall submit the ballot and their question to the moderator. They shall then count the ballot in accordance with the moderator's decision as to the voter's intent, if such intent is ascertainable. A ballot or part of a ballot on which the intent is determined by the moderator to be not ascertainable, shall not be counted. The moderator shall endorse on the ballot the question and his decision.
Rejection of marked ballots.
No absentee ballot shall be rejected as a marked ballot unless, in the opinion of the moderator, it was marked for the purpose of providing a means of identifying the voter who cast it.
Placing of ballots in depository envelopes.
After the absentee ballots have been so counted they shall be placed by the counters, separately by voting district, in depository envelopes prescribed by the Secretary of the State and provided by the municipal clerk. Any notes, worksheets, or other written materials used by the counters in counting such ballots shall be endorsed by them with their names, the date and the time of the count and shall also be placed in such depository envelopes together with the ballots, and with the separate record of the number of votes cast on such ballots for each candidate as required by section
. Such depository envelopes shall then be sealed, endorsed and delivered to the moderator by the counters in the same manner as provided in subsection (f) of this section.
(P.A. 86-179, S. 19, 53; P.A. 87-197, S. 2, 3; 87-382, S. 11, 55;
; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 97;
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