Connecticut Statutes § 9-163bb Delivery of early voting ballots to registrars of voters on day of election or primary. Checking of early voting ballots prior to counting
Statute Text
Early voting ballots received by the municipal clerk prior to the day of an election or primary, and same-day election registration ballots received by the municipal clerk prior to the day of a regular election, shall be delivered by the municipal clerk to the registrars between six o'clock a.m. and ten o'clock a.m. on the day of the election or primary.
The ballot counters for such early voting ballots and same-day election registration ballots shall proceed to the central counting location or to the respective polling places when counting is to take place pursuant to subsection (b) of section
at the time, between six o'clock a.m. and ten o'clock a.m. on the day of the election or primary, designated by the registrars of voters. At the time such ballots are delivered to the ballot counters pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the ballot counters shall perform any checking of such ballots and proceed, as nearly as possible, as provided in section
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