Connecticut Statutes § 9-190b Temporary relief of registrar by Secretary of the State; procedure
Statute Text
If a registrar of voters fails to attain or maintain, whichever is applicable, certification required under subsection (a) of section
or is the subject of an investigation of any matter related to the duties of such registrar's office resulting from a statement filed with the State Elections Enforcement Commission by the Secretary of the State, the Secretary may issue a written instruction, pursuant to section
, to such registrar to appear before the Secretary on the date and at such time as provided in such instruction. The Secretary shall cite the reasons for such instruction and inform such registrar that such appearance is for the purpose of determining whether to temporarily relieve such registrar of his or her duties as provided in this section. The registrar shall appear before the Secretary and be given a fair opportunity to show cause, if any, why such registrar should not be temporarily relieved of his or her duties. If, after such opportunity, the Secretary determines that the public interest in the orderly conduct of elections would be so served, the Secretary may temporarily relieve such registrar of his or her duties and require the deputy registrar of voters appointed by such registrar to administer the operations of such office until such certification has been attained or maintained or until the State Elections Enforcement Commission has completed such investigation and taken final action on such matter. The proceeding described in this section shall not be considered a contested case under chapter 54. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a municipality from paying the salary of such registrar of voters while such resolution is pending.
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