Connecticut Statutes § 9-232n Determination of eligibility of provisional ballot applicants to vote. Report. Corrected return
Statute Text
Immediately after the close of the polls, the moderator shall seal the provisional ballot depository envelope and deliver such envelope to the registrars of voters of the town. The registrars of voters shall forthwith verify the information contained with each provisional ballot. If the registrars of voters determine that the applicant is eligible to vote, they shall note their decision on the outer envelope of the ballot and open and count the provisional ballot in accordance with the provisions of sections
, inclusive, and procedures prescribed by the Secretary of the State. If the registrars of voters are unable to determine that the applicant is eligible to vote or determine that the applicant is not eligible to vote, the applicant's provisional ballot sealed envelope shall be marked "rejected", along with the reason for such rejection, and signed by the registrars of voters. The registrars of voters shall verify and count all provisional ballots in their town not later than six days after the election or primary. The registrars of voters shall forthwith prepare and sign in duplicate a report showing the number of provisional ballots received from electors, the number rejected and the number counted, and showing the additional votes counted for each candidate for federal office on the provisional ballots. The registrars of voters shall file one report with the town clerk and shall seal one in the depository envelope with the provisional ballots and file such depository envelope with the town clerk. The depository envelope shall be preserved by the town clerk for the period of time required to preserve counted absentee ballots for federal elections. The head moderator shall forthwith file a corrected return for federal offices with the town clerk and the Secretary showing (1) the final votes after any recanvass, pursuant to sections
, inclusive, the votes on provisional ballots and the totals, and (2) the number of provisional ballots received from electors, the number rejected and the number counted, as reported by the registrars of voters.
( June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 88;
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