Connecticut Statutes § 9-42a Change of name on registry list. Change in name of candidate not to affect name appearing on ballot
Statute Text
On the written request of any elector who identifies himself to the satisfaction of the registrars of voters, such registrars shall make any changes in the name of such elector as it appears on the registry list, provided such elector furnishes reasonable evidence to the registrars that the name as changed is a lawful name of such elector. No such change shall be made between the Tuesday of the fifth week before a regular election and the day of such election.
No such change in the name of a candidate at a primary shall affect the name of the candidate as it appears on the primary ballot. No such change in the name of a major party candidate at an election shall affect the name of such candidate as it appears on the election ballot. No such change in the name of a minor party candidate or a nominating petition candidate for any office at an election shall affect the name of such candidate as it appears on the election ballot.
(February, 1965, P.A. 308, S. 1; P.A. 77-163; P.A. 79-363, S. 9, 38; P.A. 83-475, S. 8, 43; P.A. 87-382, S. 5, 55;
Amended by
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