Connecticut Statutes § 9-62 Hearings concerning discretionary erasure or exclusion
Statute Text
At any hearing provided for in sections
, any elector upon whom a citation or notice as therein provided has been served and any person offering himself as a witness shall be sworn; and all registrars and deputy registrars are authorized to administer, for that purpose, the oath provided for witnesses. Any person cited to appear before any registrar or deputy registrar under any of the provisions of said sections shall have the right to appear either in person or by attorney; and, when no witnesses are present at any such hearing to testify in favor of the removal of the name of an elector from any list on which the same appears, or against placing the name of an elector upon an enrollment list, or against the restoration of the name of an elector to an enrollment list from which the name of such elector has been removed or excluded, the registrar or deputy registrar before whom the hearing is held shall make a statement of facts in his possession, showing why the name of any such elector should be erased from such enrollment list or why it should not be placed upon the enrollment list as requested by the applicant or why such name was wrongfully or improperly stricken or excluded from the enrollment list upon which it appeared.
(1949 Rev., S. 1178; 1953, S. 563d; P.A. 83-475, S. 14, 43.)
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