Connecticut Statutes § 9-622 (Formerly Sec. 9-333x). Illegal practices
Statute Text
The following persons shall be guilty of illegal practices and shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of section
Any person who, directly or indirectly, individually or by another person, gives or offers or promises to any person any money, gift, advantage, preferment, entertainment, aid, emolument or other valuable thing for the purpose of inducing or procuring any person to sign a nominating, primary or referendum petition or to vote or refrain from voting for or against any person or for or against any measure at any election, caucus, convention, primary or referendum;
Any person who, directly or indirectly, receives, accepts, requests or solicits from any person, committee, association, organization or corporation, any money, gift, advantage, preferment, aid, emolument or other valuable thing for the purpose of inducing or procuring any person to sign a nominating, primary or referendum petition or to vote or refrain from voting for or against any person or for or against any measure at any such election, caucus, primary or referendum;
Any person who, in consideration of any money, gift, advantage, preferment, aid, emolument or other valuable thing paid, received, accepted or promised to the person's advantage or any other person's advantage, votes or refrains from voting for or against any person or for or against any measure at any such election, caucus, primary or referendum;
Any person who solicits from any candidate any money, gift, contribution, emolument or other valuable thing for the purpose of using the same for the support, assistance, benefit or expenses of any club, company or organization, or for the purpose of defraying the cost or expenses of any political campaign, primary, referendum or election;
Any person who, directly or indirectly, pays, gives, contributes or promises any money or other valuable thing to defray or towards defraying the cost or expenses of any campaign, primary, referendum or election to any person, committee, company, club, organization or association, other than to a treasurer, except that this subdivision shall not apply to any expenses for postage, telegrams, telephoning, stationery, express charges, traveling, meals, lodging or photocopying incurred by any candidate for office or for nomination to office, so far as may be permitted under the provisions of this chapter;
Any person who, in order to secure or promote the person's own nomination or election as a candidate, or that of any other person, directly or indirectly, promises to appoint, or promises to secure or assist in securing the appointment, nomination or election of any other person to any public position, or to any position of honor, trust or emolument; but any person may publicly announce the person's own choice or purpose in relation to any appointment, nomination or election in which the person may be called to take part, if the person is nominated for or elected to such office;
Any person who, directly or indirectly, individually or through another person, makes a payment or promise of payment to a treasurer in a name other than the person's own, and any treasurer who knowingly receives a payment or promise of payment, or enters or causes the same to be entered in the person's accounts in any other name than that of the person by whom such payment or promise of payment is made;
Any person who knowingly and wilfully violates any provision of this chapter;
Any person who offers or receives a cash contribution in excess of one hundred dollars to promote the success or defeat of any political party, candidate or referendum question;
Any person who solicits, makes or receives a contribution that is otherwise prohibited by any provision of this chapter;
Any department head or deputy department head of a state department who solicits a contribution on behalf of, or for the benefit of, any candidate for state, district or municipal office or any political party;
Any municipal employee who solicits a contribution on behalf of, or for the benefit of, any candidate for state, district or municipal office, any political committee or any political party, from (A) an individual under the supervision of such employee, or (B) the spouse or a dependent child of such individual;
Any person who makes an expenditure, that is not an independent expenditure, for a candidate without the knowledge of such candidate. No candidate shall be civilly or criminally liable with regard to any such expenditure;
Any chief of staff of a legislative caucus who solicits a contribution on behalf of or for the benefit of any candidate for state, district or municipal office from an employee of the legislative caucus;
Any chief of staff for a state-wide elected official who solicits a contribution on behalf of or for the benefit of any candidate for state, district or municipal office from a member of such official's staff;
Any chief of staff for the Governor or Lieutenant Governor who solicits a contribution on behalf of or for the benefit of any candidate for state, district or municipal office from a member of the staff of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or from any commissioner or deputy commissioner of any state agency
Any foreign national that makes, directly or indirectly, (A) any contribution or any express or implied promise to make a contribution, or (B) any expenditure; or
Any person who solicits, accepts or receives any contribution or covered transfer from a foreign national
(P.A. 86-99, S. 25, 34; P.A. 87-524, S. 4, 7;
Oct. 25 Sp. Sess.
, S. 40; June 11 Sp. Sess. P.A. 08-3, S. 12;
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