Connecticut Topics Post-Election Challenge
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Contests or Protests
Tagged Content in Connecticut under Post-Election Challenge
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 149: Elections and Primaries: Contested
Topics: Procedures Causes of Action Responsibilities - Election Officials Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 149: Elections and Primaries: Contested
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws Procedures Causes of Action Enforcement Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 149: Elections and Primaries: Contested
Topics: Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 149: Elections and Primaries: Contested
Topics: Enforcement Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 149: Elections and Primaries: Contested
Topics: Primary Elections Procedures Remedies Causes of Action Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 153: Nominations and Political PartiesPart III: Nomination of CandidatesSubpart A: Major Parties
Topics: Primary Elections Responsibilities - Election Officials Recounts
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 1: General ProvisionsPart 1: Scope and Construction of Rules
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 2: Complaints and InvestigationsPart 1: Complaints and Statements
Topics: Applicability and Scope of Laws Procedures Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 2: Complaints and InvestigationsPart 1: Complaints and Statements
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 2: Complaints and InvestigationsPart 1: Complaints and Statements
Topics: Procedures Investigation Special Commissions Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 3: Contested CasesPart 4: Decision in a Contested Case
Topics: Procedures Investigation Special Commissions Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 3: Contested CasesPart 4: Decision in a Contested Case
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 3: Contested CasesPart 4: Decision in a Contested Case
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 3: Contested CasesPart 5: Authority to Impose Civil Penalties, Sanctions and to Take Other Action
Topics: Causes of Action Special Commissions Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 3: Contested CasesPart 6: Consent Orders and Written Stipulations
Topics: Causes of Action Special Commissions Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 4: Miscellaneous ProceedingsPart 4: Personal Data System
Topics: Record Retention and Confidentiality Special Commissions Contests or Protests
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 5: Help America Vote Act Administrative Complaint ProcedurePart 1: Complaints under Title III of the federal Help America Vote Act
Code: Title 9: ElectionsChapter 7b: Organization and Rules of PracticeSubchapter III: Rules of PracticeArticle 5: Help America Vote Act Administrative Complaint ProcedurePart 1: Complaints under Title III of the federal Help America Vote Act