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Delaware Regulations § 100-5.0 Statements of Organization

Up to Office of the Commissioner of Elections for the State of Delaware

Regulation Text

5.1 Each political committee shall file, under penalty of perjury, a Statement of Organization with the Commissioner no later than 24 hours after the committee receives any contribution or makes any expenditure that causes the aggregate amount of contributions by or expenditures to such committee to exceed $500 during an election period.
5.2 The Statement of Organization of a candidate committee, or any amendment thereto, shall be signed under penalty of perjury by either the candidate or the treasurer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the candidate and treasurer shall be jointly responsible for timely filing of such documents.
5.3 In the case of any political committee other than a candidate committee, the Statement of Organization and any amendments thereto shall be signed under penalty by the treasurer, who shall be responsible for the timely filing thereof.


16 DE Reg. 771 (01/01/13)