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Delaware Regulations § 101-5.0 Specific Actions to be Taken Once Threshold is Triggered

Up to Office of the Commissioner of Elections for the State of Delaware

Regulation Text

5.1 An additional audit of the ballots shall be conducted by an audit team distinct from the audit team that conducted the initial audit.
5.2 If a discrepancy of more than one half of one percent (0.5%) is unresolved following the action prescribed in subsection 5.1, the following additional actions shall be undertaken:
5.2.1 All documentation related to the voting system in question shall be gathered and reviewed by the audit team distinct from the audit team that conducted the initial audit and shall be preserved. These records include logic and accuracy testing, certification, and all other documentation.
5.2.2 A subsequent manual logic and accuracy test of the impacted voting device or voting devices shall be conducted, and the results shall be examined by a team of Department staff not involved in the conduct of the initial logic and accuracy test of the impacted voting device or voting devices.
5.2.3 An additional audit shall be initiated on another randomly selected voting device or voting devices used in the same election, to identify any similar discrepancies.


25 DE Reg. 101 ( 7/1/2021 ) (final)